Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tiny Wedges of Heaven

So, I went to a drum corps show last weekend and stopped at an all-night diner afterwards.  Okay, we all know that the all-night diner is best known for three things:  Coffee you can peel wallpaper with, the finest pie you have ever tasted and fried food. 

Should any of those things be on a foodie blog.. much less a post-op gastric bypass foodie blog?

I say YES!!  Maybe not in the traditional kind of way, but this is at the very base level of my goal here -- to show you how food can still TASTE good and be good for you, even post op (or NON-op, for those of you reading who aren't surgically enhanced eaters).

Anyway, there's no recipe yet, but I'm letting you know I'm working on something unbelieveably delicious.. so good, you may sell your first born for it.  I tried to sell my cat but nobody wanted him. awww.. I'm KIDDING!!  I want him!!

There it is.  The Big Tease.  It's comin..  oh, it's comin..

and just an FYI, I'm out of town for about a week, then home for a week, then gone for another week so blog posts may be sparse..  but don't give up on me!  I'm slaving away over a hot stove just for you (and me, let's be honest).